Rytm MokotowaMieszkania na Dolnym Mokotowie od 12 900 zł/m2
Odwiedź Biuro Sprzedaży i przekonaj się, jak tanio możesz teraz kupić mieszkanie w miejscu, które już wkrótce będzie jedną z najbardziej atrakcyjnych lokalizacji stolicy. Kup mieszkanie 1-, 2- lub 3-pokojowe w inwestycji Rytm Mokotowa z rabatem 1000 zł/m2! Ceny już od 12 900 zł/m2. Ale to nie wszystko! Dodatkowym atutem jest korzystny harmonogram płatności 20/80 dla 10 pierwszych Klientów. Zainwestuj i przekonaj się, ile zyskasz wybierając lokalizację z tak ogromnym potencjałem.
Regulamin promocji dostępny w Biurach Sprzedaży
Lista lokali Dostępne mieszkania
Total area
Number of rooms
Dla inwestoraPewny zysk w doskonałej lokalizacji
Kupując teraz
możesz jedynie zyskać!
Lokalizacja inwestycji to miejsce z ogromnym potencjałem, które z pewnością wkrótce przeobrazi się w tętniącą życiem modną okolicę
23 lata
Mamy duże doświadczenie i ugruntowaną pozycję na rynku. Wybudowaliśmy już ponad 30 000 mieszkań, a liczba zadowolonych klientów na naszych osiedlach zbliża się do 100 000.
Dynamiczny rozwój okolicy zmieni niezagospodarowane dotąd tereny w tętniącą życiem dzielnicą stolicy, a zakup mieszkania w tym miejscu będzie bezpieczną lokatą kapitału, przynoszącą co miesiąc dodatkowe dochody. To idealny sposób na ochronę kapitału przed inflacją.
Most Siekierkowski oraz nowa infrastruktura komunikacyjna, w tym planowana linia tramwajowa, zapewni sprawny, dostęp do kluczowych punktów Warszawy, umożliwiając komfortowe przemieszczanie się, nie tylko samochodem, ale również komunikacją miejską.
pod klucz
Współpracujemy z pięcioma renomowanymi firmami zajmującymi się aranżacją i kompleksowym wykończeniem wnętrz. Taka usługa zapewnia komfort, oszczędność czasu oraz możliwość skorzystania z niższego 8-procentowego podatku VAT.
Karta rabatowa oferuje atrakcyjne zniżki pomocne w wykończeniu i wyposażeniu mieszkania. Dzięki niej możesz uzyskać nawet 30% rabatu na zakupy u wybranych partnerów programu ROBYG CLUB.
Doskonałe miejsce do życia Opis osiedla
Our new ROBYG development, Rhythm of Mokotów, is located in a picturesque corner of the Mokotów district, at the junction of ul. Antoniewska and ul. Piramowicza. The project will include a modern estate surrounded by greenery and representing high standard, including many amenities and innovations supporting environmental protection. It will stand out by a custom-designed mural made with anti-smog paints. The estate will also be equipped with charging stations for electric cars and bicycle racks. A fitness area, yoga room, children's playgrounds and a toddler club will be made available to residents. We invite you to learn more about our new development and encourage you to buy a flat.
Ekologiczne rozwiązania Moje osiedle
Surrounded by greenery, the estate represents high standard, including many amenities and innovations supporting environmental protection.
The common areas in our buildings are stylish and have individually designed interiors enhanced by mirrors, wallpaper, murals, panels or chic lighting.
The individually designed, representative entrance lobby, finished with high-quality materials, is particularly impressive.
Do dyspozycji mieszkańców zostanie oddana strefa fitness.
The estate will include a year-round indoor toddler club dedicated to the little ones
A special room for fans of yoga will be created on the estate.
The development will stand out by an original mural created on the wall of one of the buildings. Thanks to the anti-smog paint used, it will contribute to improving air quality by reducing harmful substances.
Roof-mounted photovoltaic panels significantly reduce the electricity charges of common areas.
In common areas of our buildings, we use energy-efficient and eco-friendly LED lighting controlled by motion sensors.
Birdhouses and bug
We create save nesting places: birdhouses and bug houses.
Our new projects feature solar benches that harness solar energy and allow you to charge your phone while on the go.
and street furniture
We take care of the greenery surrounding the buildings and street furniture – we build playgrounds for children and bicycle racks.
for children
The project features safe playgrounds – the source of joy for the youngest residents.
for cyclists
We support micromobility by installing on our estates racks and bicycle stations to allow residents to store and maintain their bikes on their own.
The ground floors of the buildings will house commercial premises – stores, bakeries and restaurants.
Najwyższy standard budynku Najwyższy standard w okolicy
Smart House
by Keemple
We offer the Smart House by Keemple – a smart system that will help you feel safer and more secure, while significantly reducing your cost of living – at no extra expense.
Chargers for
electric cars
We support electromobility. We install electric cars charging stations. It is possible to install an individual charger directly next to the parking space.
We strive to take care of the environment and lower the cost of living by using photovoltaic cells and LED lighting.
We install large windows that let more light into the interior – your rooms will be brighter and illuminated at just the right level.
Window ventilators have the option of installing an anti-smog filter
Our finishing materials are safe to the residents’ health – they have all the relevant approvals and green certificates.
The waste sorting halls have a separate ventilation system.
The elevators, whose design fits the common areas, are equipped with state-of-the-art touch panel.
Fibre installations
in the dwelling
The buildings are equipped with a fibre-optic installation directly connected to each dwelling, providing the fastest possible access to the Internet.
apartment doors
The apartments feature high-quality burglar-proof front doors – they not only offer outstanding design and protect against break-ins, but also ensure increased sound insulation.
The door portals are finished with durable and wear-resistant woodgrain panel.
All our estates have security staff and high-definition CCTV cameras. Access to the buildings is protected and controlled by videophones with colour displays.
Flats in the ROBYG development are distinguished by an above-standard height of up to 3 metres.
apartment layouts
Fully functional and well-lit apartments make our projects stand out from the competition.
of the flats
We use masonry partitions with soundproofing properties.
sun blinds
Electrically controlled external sun blinds in ground floor flats.
Glass balcony banisters raise the standard of the building.
We finish our walls and coat them with two layers of paint – that’s the standard ROBYG customers have grown to expect.
parking spaces
The garage hall provides ample parking spaces for cars, as well as large and practical storage units for residents.
Garage halls
with gas detectors
Our garage halls are equipped with highly-advanced fire protection systems with gas, smoke and fire detectors. In the event of an emergency, the system will notify the appropriate services.
Pavements made of
anti-smog blocks
Our pavements are made of anti-smog paving blocks which have a positive effect on reducing harmful substances in the air.
Urokliwe miejsceSurrounded by greenery
The district of Mokotów stands out by the large amount of greenery, city parks and water reservoirs, especially in the Vistula valley. The charming oxbow lakes Czerniakowskie, Sielanka and Wilanowskie are ideal places for walks or bike rides. The peaceful nature of the neighbourhood and the presence of numerous green areas mean that residents can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy outdoor recreation every day.
EkologiaWaste separation
We have planned special rooms for waste separation with the environment and the comfort of residents in mind. There will be bins adapted to the separation of waste into five types. We also took care to provide convenient access to the bins and a separate ventilation extractor in the waste separation room.
Tu warto zamieszkaćNearest neighbourhood
Lower MokotówFashionable place
Lower Mokotów is picturesquely located in a bend of the Vistula River. Residents are attracted by the quiet and prestigious character of this part of the district. It is dominated by low, villa-style housing and plenty of green areas, which makes it an ideal place for walks and excursions. Many historical monuments can also be found here, and the close proximity of the development includes Fort Augustówka with its fortress canal and old cobblestone road.
Rich infrastructurePerfect place for your family
Rich infrastructure, good communication and the presence of numerous schools, kindergartens and nurseries make it a perfect neighbourhood for families with children. Daily shopping is facilitated by numerous stores and shopping malls, there are also plenty of attractions for children, such as modern playgrounds and bicycle paths. The district has a rich cultural offer – you will find here theatres, cinemas and museums.
Excellent locationExcellent communication
Mokotów owes its popularity to its excellent location – it is close to the city centre and is well connected to other parts of Warsaw. The development is close to the Siekierkowski bridge connecting the district with the right bank of Warsaw and an express way. The numerous cycle paths that allow you to get to the centre in just 20 minutes are another advantage of its location.
Zdjęcia z placu budowyConstruction log
Zapraszamy do Dziennika Budowy osiedla Rytm Mokotowa. Kliknij poniżej, aby zobaczyć najnowsze zdjęcia z placu budowy naszej inwestycji. Śledź postępy prac i zobacz, jak rozwija się nasz projekt.
Lokalizacja osiedla Doskonała lokalizacja inwestycji