Doskonałe miejsce do życia Opis osiedla
Bemowo is an innovative, dynamically developing district, eagerly chosen as a place to live. People are attracted by the rich offer of social and cultural services, beautiful greenery, modern solutions and excellent transport connections. That is why for many years we have been creating modern, residents-friendly housing estates here. We have already built 1,500 apartments in the area of Batalionów Chłopskich and Szeligowska streets and we are pioneers in the development of this part of the district. We are currently implementing the Modern City project, under which a total of approx. 800 functional apartments and flats for sale will be built. The apartments will have large balconies, loggias or gardens. A characteristic feature of the estate is an interesting, modernist architecture, elegant white facades with elements of clinker, individually designed common parts made of high-quality materials. Inside the estate, there will be an extensive park with elements of small architecture, a bicycle path, a playground, a relaxation zone and an outdoor gym equipped with street training devices. Each apartment will be equipped with the Smart House system - an intelligent home - at no extra charge.
Inwestycja posiada doskonałą lokalizację - tylko 200 m od budowanej stacji metra.
Atuty inwestycji Moje osiedle
stacji metra
Tylko 200 metrów dzieli osiedle od budowanej stacji Metro Chrzanów.
Między budynkami powstanie rozległy park z różnorodną roślinnością i elementami małej architektury.
The showcase of the building is our bespoke and representative entrance lobby, finished with high-quality materials.
Common areas in our buildings are characterised by elegant design and décor, complemented by mirrors, wallpaper, murals, panels, and stylish lighting.
Roof-mounted photovoltaic panels significantly reduce the electricity charges of common areas.
We use energy-efficient and environmentally friendly LED lighting in common areas of our buildings, activated with motion sensors.
for children
The project features safe playgrounds – the source of joy for the youngest residents.
We want to help the residents take care of their health – that is why we are going to build an outdoor gym to encourage working out outdoors.
for cyclists
We strive to support micromobility – that is why our projects feature bicycle racks and stations, which allow residents to store and maintain their bicycles on their own.
Birdhouses and bug
We create save nesting places: birdhouses and bug houses.
z kostki antysmogowej
Kładziemy chodniki z kostki antysmogowej, która korzystnie wpływa na redukcję szkodliwych substancji w powietrzu.
Jasną elewację, malowaną z użyciem farby antysmogowej, wykończymy efektowną płytką klinkierową.
Ekologiczne rozwiązaniaWysoki standard
Smart House
by Keemple
We offer the Smart House by Keemple – a smart system that will help you feel safer and more secure, while significantly reducing your cost of living – at no extra expense.
car chargers
We can install a personal car charger for you – right at your parking space.
We strive to take care of the environment and lower the cost of living by using photovoltaic cells and LED lighting.
We install large windows that let more light into the interior – your rooms will be brighter and illuminated at just the right level.
W trosce o zdrowie mieszkańców w okna wyposażone są w nawiewniki, w których można będzie zamontować filtry antysmogowe, co pozytywnie wpłynie na jakość powietrza w mieszkaniu.
Our finishing materials are safe to the residents’ health – they have all the relevant approvals and green certificates.
To take care of the comfort and convenience of the residents, the waste sorting halls have a separate ventilation system.
The elevators, whose design fits the common areas, are equipped with state-of-the-art touch panel.
Fibre installations
in the dwelling
The buildings are equipped with a fibre-optic installation directly connected to each dwelling, providing the fastest possible access to the Internet.
apartment doors
The apartments feature high-quality burglar-proof front doors – they not only offer outstanding design and protect against break-ins, but also ensure increased sound insulation.
The door portals are finished with durable and wear-resistant woodgrain panel.
All our estates have security staff and high-definition CCTV cameras. Access to the buildings is protected and controlled by videophones with colour displays.
Mieszkania w inwestycjach ROBYG wyróżniają się ponadstandardową wysokością nawet do 2,7 metrów.
apartment layouts
Fully functional and well-lit apartments make our projects stand out from the competition.
Our projects feature sound-proof masonry partitions – you do not have to worry about unwanted noise.
Large balconies
and gardens
Each apartment above the ground floor has a large balcony, while ground-floor apartment owners can enjoy their own gardens.
We finish our walls and coat them with two layers of paint – that’s the standard ROBYG customers have grown to expect.
parking spaces
The garage hall provides ample parking spaces for cars, as well as large and practical storage units for residents.
Garage halls
with gas detectors
Our garage halls are equipped with highly-advanced fire protection systems with gas, smoke and fire detectors. In the event of an emergency, the system will notify the appropriate services.
Brama garażowa z systemem automatycznego dostępu przez rozpoznanie numerów tablic rejestracyjnych.
Dla wygody mieszkańców montujemy punkty poboru wody przy ogródkach oraz na tarasach, na ostatniej kondygnacji budynku.
Zieleń za oknemRozległy park wewnątrz osiedla
With the comfort of future residents in mind, we have designed a large park with lush, diverse vegetation between the buildings. There will be plenty of walking and cycling paths as well as elements of small architecture. There will also be places for recreation, playgrounds for children and an outdoor gym equipped with street training devices. It will certainly be a favorite place of the estate's residents, encouraging them to spend time outdoors.
Twoja dzielnica BemowoNajbliższa okolica
Sprawny dojazd do Centrum Przy stacji Metro Chrzanów
Niepodważalną zaletą inwestycji Modern City jest lokalizacja - tylko 200 metrów dzieli ją od budowanej stacji metra - Chrzanów. Metro zagwarantuje mieszkańcom sprawny dojazd do centrum Warszawy. Dodatkowym atutem jest dobre połączenie z S2, S7 i S8, które ułatwi szybki wyjazd z miasta oraz dojazd na lotnisko im. Chopina.
Dynamicznie rozwijająca się dzielnica Infrastruktura miejska
Warsaw Bemowo is a dynamically developing district, eagerly chosen as a place to live by the next generations. People are attracted here by a well-developed urban infrastructure. Intensive housing expansion goes hand in hand with access to social services - schools, kindergartens, clinics and cultural institutions. There are also shops, shopping malls and entertainment centers, including the extensive Wola Park Shopping Center.
Stacja metra
Dotarcie do stacji metra Chrzanów zajmie mieszkańcom inwestycji zaledwie chwilkę.
The location of the estate is surrounded with numerous crèches, kindergartens and schools, making it a perfect location for families with children.
Ring Road
The quick and convenient access to the ring road will make all weekend and holiday trips easier.
Pobliski KampinosSport i rekreacja
The nearest area offers many opportunities for recreation and sport. Depending on your preference, you can use tennis courts, professional gym, bicycle paths or bowling alley. The nearby Kampinos Forest will be the ideal place for family trips or jogging.
Zdjęcia z placu budowyConstruction log
Zapraszamy do Dziennika Budowy osiedla Modern City. Kliknij poniżej, aby zobaczyć najnowsze zdjęcia z placu budowy naszej inwestycji. Śledź postępy prac i zobacz, jak rozwija się nasz projekt.
Lokalizacja osiedla Doskonała lokalizacja inwestycji