for Planet

When designing and building new neighbourhoods and estates, we pay particular attention to the protection and safeguarding of natural resources. We act responsibly, using numerous innovative technologies and solutions to protect the environment.

climate change

We are aware that climate change has grave consequences, which is why we strive to minimise their negative impact on our lives and the lives of the future generations. We have made a commitment to use 100% renewable energy on our construction sites by the end of 2024. This puts us 6 years ahead of the EU’s Fit for 55 strategy! All of our projects feature low-carbon solutions. We have also implemented a new green building standard.

Tworzymy przyjazne

Zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, że budownictwo wywiera ogromny wpływ na nasz świat. Dlatego postanowiliśmy w naszej najnowszej kampanii udowodnić, że będąc wiernym wartościom takim jak troska, odpowiedzialność i wsparcie można prowadzić opłacalny biznes w sposób zrównoważony i odpowiedzialny. Poznaj nas i nasze wartości - w kampanii chcemy pokazać istotę naszej działalności, zaprezentować naszą misję tworzenia przyjaznych osiedli dla całych społeczności.

Więcej na dedykowanej stronie

Wzięliśmy udział w akcji #PZFD i sadziliśmy różne gatunki bylin, krzewów i drzew pod Kopcem Powstania Warszawskiego.

Wspieramy nasadzenia nowych drzew - w 2023 roku zaangażowaliśmy się w zasadzenie już ponad 800 sadzonek!

Dbamy o zieleń i różnorodne gatunki roślin, ustawiamy domki dla owadów i wieszamy budki dla ptaków.

Uczestniczyliśmy w Sprzątaniu Świata organizowanym przez Urząd Dzielnicy Wilanów. W ramach akcji porządkowaliśmy teren za wałem przeciwpowodziowym od strony Wisły.

We also sent the seedlings of the so-called oxygen trees to our clients and preschools – these trees make 10 times more oxygen than regular species!

Zasiane z miłości do bioróżnorodności” to edukacyjna akcja promująca łąki kwietne, które możemy założyć nawet i w doniczce, i w ten prosty sposób wesprzeć ekosystem.

Green standard at ROBYG

We care
about plants and animals

We are striving to reshape cities by including green and recreational areas – a crucial element of a future city. In total, we have already delivered more than 55 hectares of green areas. We carefully include tall and smaller plants, including flowery meadows, in our designs, focusing on native plant species. The abundance of plants ensure better water retention and shade on hot days, helping us combat the harmful phenomenon of urban heat islands. We also do not forget about the animals living in the city – we build insect houses, birdhouses and water fountains to provide safe spaces, where birds can thrive. What is more, we do not forget about them during the construction phase.


A 15-minute city is a city where the residents can fulfil all of their vital needs no further than 15 minutes away from their home on foot or by bicycle. 15-minute estates promote a more active and healthy lifestyle, as well as micromobility. They are a remedy to disintegrating social ties and make for an effective weapon in the fight against climate change. Living there allows you to reduce your dependence on a car and thus your carbon footprint. Even now, 70% of all projects developed by ROBYG are built in line with these principles. We want to increase that number to 80%.

Find out more on the dedicated page

Water – blue

Water covers up to 70% of the surface of our Earth – that does not mean that we do not have to take good care of it. We need to make sure that it is abundant where it is needed, and manage the excess in a well-thought-out manner, like we do at ROBYG when we use it for watering the plants. In order to ensure water retention and reduce overheating of the surroundings of our projects, we build rain gardens, ponds, basins and special roofs with gravel surface using our bespoke inverted roof technology. We also create artificial lakes to help manage water, while giving the residents something pretty to look at.

Smart House
a green technology

All our projects include the Smart House System by Keemple system at no extra charge. It is a smart and environmentally friendly technology solution that allows residents to remotely adjust their lighting, media and security using a mobile device. As a result, it enables a significant reduction in energy consumption and savings of up to 30% on utility bills.


We use low-carbon technologies – photovoltaic panels, Smart House System by Keemple, LED lighting, anti-smog paving stones, solar benches, electric car chargers and many others. What is more, our construction projects are based on renewable energy. In near future, all of our projects will feature a minimum of five low-carbon solutions.

Green energy
and savings

With the innovative and green solutions, you can reduce your cost of living, while being environmentally friendly. Photovoltaic panels installed on our rooftops – with 3120 m2 installed to date – supply green energy to the common areas, thus reducing electricity bills. To reduce electricity consumption in buildings, we install LED lighting, dusk sensors and weather management systems. Our apartments are connected to a fibre-optic network, which provides the fastest possible data transfer and consumes less energy than traditional copper connections.

We support

Our projects are designed with pedestrians and cyclists in mind. The latter can take advantage of our modern bicycle shelters, bicycle racks and bicycle halls in buildings, as well as bicycle repair stations. With a network of bike paths, our projects are perfect for the cycling aficionados. At the same time, thanks to micromobility-friendly infrastructure, we are significantly reducing CO2 emissions of our housing estates.

Sustainable development,

goals supported by the ROBYG for Planet programme

Find out more at

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ROBYG and VANTAGE DEVELOPMENT are joining forces as part of the TAG Immobilien Group. If you are interested in our offering, let us know by filling in the forms below and we will get back to you.
The co-controllers of your personal data are ROBYG Marketing i Sprzedaż Sp. z o.o. with registered office at Al. Rzeczypospolitej 1, 02-972 Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as “Co-Controller 1”, whose Data Protection Officer can be reached via e-mail – and via mail... Show all
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