and Society

ROBYG understands that sustainable development is a process of transformation that benefits the society and the environment.

Prezentujemy Raport ESG
za rok 2023!

Z ogromną satysfakcją i przyjemności informujemy, że dziś opublikowaliśmy Raport ESG ROBYG za 2023 rok. W dokumencie przedstawiamy ubiegłoroczne działania i osiągnięcia naszej firmy w trzech kluczowych zakresach działalności: ROBYG dla Planety, ROBYG dla Ludzi i ROBYG dla Zrównoważonego Biznesu. Do najważniejszych z nich należą obniżenie całkowitych emisji gazów cieplarnianych o ponad 48% r/r oraz wzrostu udziału energii elektrycznej ze źródeł odnawialnych używanej w procesie budowy do 100%.

Nasz raport został opracowany zgodnie z międzynarodowym standardem sprawozdawczości zrównoważonego rozwoju Global Reporting Initiative. Zawiera informacje jak przyczyniamy się do realizacji Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju ONZ. W związku z naszą przynależnością do UN Global Compact oraz Europejskiego Paktu na rzecz Klimatu zawiera również część raportową do jakiej jesteśmy zobowiązani w ramach tych inicjatyw.

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At ROBYG, we understand sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.* This is the rule that underpins our business – for the benefit of society and the environment.

*Our Common Future – United Nations Report on Environment and Development, 1987

We build

For nearly 20 years, we have been building living spaces for thousands of people – designing, building and developing integrated housing estates. We are committed to running our operations in a responsible and sustainable manner. We put people and their needs at the centre of our interests, while taking care of the natural environment.

That's why our ESG Strategy revolves around these three key areas – the environment, society and corporate governance.

ESG areas we are developing

for Planet

We are aware of the impact our operations on the environment, which is why we make sure to carry out all of our projects with utmost respect for the environment so as to minimize the negative impact of climate change. For many years, we have been implementing state-of-the-art green solutions as part of our projects, allowing us to lower energy consumption and CO2emissions, support water retention and protect natural resources. That is how we build spaces that are friendly to people and the planet.

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for People

As part of our operations, we give rise to new estates and neighbourhoods, as well as build new communities of people who are more than just neighbours to each other. We provide our customers with infrastructures conducive to a healthy lifestyle and neighbourhood networking. We are actively involved in the functioning of our neighbourhoods. We support all kinds of initiatives – social projects, sports and promoting health. We sponsor and co-organise cultural events. We support local businesses and care for our employees.

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for Sustainable Business

We do our best to ensure the stability of our company by operating responsibly. We conduct our business in a transparent and responsible manner. We are a signatory to the world’s largest climate change initiatives and a member of the most important organisation of real estate developers in Poland. We have received numerous distinctions and awards for our work in this area.

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ROBYG and VANTAGE DEVELOPMENT are joining forces as part of the TAG Immobilien Group. If you are interested in our offering, let us know by filling in the forms below and we will get back to you.
The co-controllers of your personal data are ROBYG Marketing i Sprzedaż Sp. z o.o. with registered office at Al. Rzeczypospolitej 1, 02-972 Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as “Co-Controller 1”, whose Data Protection Officer can be reached via e-mail – and via mail... Show all
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