In November 2021, we published our first ESG Strategy – a document that highlights three main areas of focus for our company – ROBYG for Planet, ROBYG for People and ROBYG for Responsible Business. These pillars comprise 10 sustainable development goals that we are going to pursue – for the environment and climate, for the society and for corporate governance. All 3 areas are accompanied by specific and measurable actions.
Prezentujemy Raport ESG
za rok 2023!
Z ogromną satysfakcją i przyjemności informujemy, że dziś opublikowaliśmy Raport ESG ROBYG za 2023 rok. W dokumencie przedstawiamy ubiegłoroczne działania i osiągnięcia naszej firmy w trzech kluczowych zakresach działalności: ROBYG dla Planety, ROBYG dla Ludzi i ROBYG dla Zrównoważonego Biznesu. Do najważniejszych z nich należą m.in. obniżenie całkowitych emisji gazów cieplarnianych o ponad 48% r/r oraz wzrostu udziału energii elektrycznej ze źródeł odnawialnych używanej w procesie budowy do 100%.
Nasz raport został opracowany zgodnie z międzynarodowym standardem sprawozdawczości zrównoważonego rozwoju Global Reporting Initiative. Zawiera informacje jak przyczyniamy się do realizacji Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju ONZ. W związku z naszą przynależnością do UN Global Compact oraz Europejskiego Paktu na rzecz Klimatu zawiera również część raportową do jakiej jesteśmy zobowiązani w ramach tych inicjatyw.
We have internal policies and a number of different codes of conduct that integrate ethical, social, environmental and risk management considerations into our everyday operations. We have implemented procedures and mechanisms to address these issues, so that we can protect ROBYG’s brand and reputation, as well as build long-term value for all stakeholders and ensure strong financial performance.
A transparent
We conduct our business in a transparent manner. We publish our results and financial statements on a regular basis and undergo external audits. Comprehensive information about our operations are available on our website. We are an issuer of bonds with a total value of more than 500 million PLN, listed on the Catalyst market – we also operate in line with all its requirements.
Reports on
We are one of the few developers in Poland to declare reporting our Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon footprint in line with the standards set by the GHG Protocol, starting in 2021. We have also launched preparations to start Scope 3 reporting. This is a voluntary declaration, which – like the commitment to use 100% green energy on our construction sites by the end of 2024 – confirms ROBYG’s care for the environment.
In 2021, we signed the Diversity Charter. This international initiative, which has been active in 26 European countries, aims to promote diversity and equal opportunities in employment. Signing the Charter confirms ROBYG’s efforts to ensure diversity and serves as a commitment to improve further in this area. One of the key aspects in the continuous process of fostering diversity is the position of women in the company. In the ROBYG Capital Group, women account for 50% of employees and 43% of management.
ROBYG’s impact
on society and economy
ROBYG only works with Polish companies as its subcontractors. More than 3500 people work with and for ROBYG every day. The taxes that ROBYG paid to the state budget in 2020 could pay for 40 rehabilitation and physiotherapy clinics.
What is more, we are the only real estate developer in Poland to publish an impact report, which outlines changes that have occurred in our immediate social and economic environment as a result of our operations.
Climate Pact
The European Climate Pact is the EU’s largest initiative, part of the European Green Deal, which aims to build a green Europe and transform the EU into a just, healthy, sustainable and prosperous society.
ROBYG is the first real estate developer in Poland to have a representative in the European Climate Pact. Anna Wojciechowska, Head of ESG at ROBYG, has been chosen by the European Commission as one of 17 Climate Pact Ambassadors in Poland.
United Nations
Global Compact
ROBYG is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest initiative that brings together sustainable businesses, which confirms the company's commitment to sustainable development. UNGC's mission is to promote the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and work with governments, international organizations, companies and institutions to achieve them.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a comprehensive development plan for the world. ROBYG has identified 10 key objectives for its business and will report its activities in the respective areas.
PZFD to największa i zaangażowana w tworzenie najlepszych standardów rynkowych organizacja branży deweloperskiej, która od ponad 20 lat reprezentuje interesy firm deweloperskich w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej. PZFD zrzesza ponad 330 firm z branży Real Estate.
Being one of the largest residential real estate developers in Poland entails responsibility and obliges us to conduct our business in a reliable and sustainable manner. The fact that our work is recognised is evidenced by the awards, certifications and titles we have received over the years. Some of the most important ones include Real Estate Developer of the Year 2012, 1st and 3rd place in Joint Stock Company of the Year competition in 2013 and 2014, Transparent Company of the Year 2016, 1st Place in the Book of Lists 2017/2018 in Construction and Real Estate category, Friendly Developer 2020, Best Employer 2021, 2022 and Well Regarded Company.

Sustainable Development Goals
which we support as part of the ROBYG for Sustainable Business

Find out more at esg.robyg.pl